My B.U.I.L.D Confidence Programme comprises five key elements which can be accessed individually or altogether as workshops or one-to-one sessions

B.U.I.L.D Your Way To A Better Life

  • Be Self Aware

    Be Self Aware - This is all about Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Awareness, Mental Health, Well-being & Resilience.

  • Utilise Your Strengths

    Utilise Your Strengths - strengths psychology & discovering natural personality strengths to transform motivation & achievement of goals.

  • I'M Okay, You're Okay

    I’m OKAY You’re OKAY - developing relationship & communication strategies and dealing with difficult situations.

  • Lead Your Mind

    Lead Your Mind - mindset, mind-power, self-leadership and how to overcome subconscious blocks.

  • Develop Your Voice

    Develop Your Voice - public speaking, presenting & storytelling skills to stand up, be seen and be heard!

Cat’s latest TEDx Talk

“Your Mind is a Stallion - Learn to Ride it” has been shortlisted for the Speaker Awards 2024!

Watch it here